

If you have a covered claim when your property is damaged and in need of professional repair, or you are seeking a contractor or roofer to assist with remodeling work, it is your responsibility to select a contractor or roofer that will repair your property.

这个承包商定位页面可以帮助您识别潜在的服务提供商,他们管理着为您所在地区服务的承包商或屋顶工人网络, whether you have had a loss or not.

Frequently asked questions

承包商定位器页面按字母顺序显示联系信息(网络服务提供商名称), 电话号码及网址),以联络参与的网络服务供应商,他们可协助您在其网络内甄别承办商或屋顶承建商.

Sometimes referred to as a Third-Party Administrator (TPA), 网络服务提供商汇总和管理一个由参与的独立承包商或屋顶商组成的全国性网络.

  • 参与的独立承包商和屋顶商向网络服务提供商指定承包商或屋顶商服务的邮政编码或地理区域.
  • 客户可以联系网络服务提供商,以获得帮助,以确定和选择在其网络中为客户提供地理区域服务的参与承包商或屋顶承建商.
  • 网络服务提供商处理那些使用承包商定位服务的人提出的所有投诉和保修问题,这些服务与参与其网络的承包商或屋顶商有关.
  • 客户可以联系其信息显示在承包商定位页上的单个网络服务提供商,以获取有关其提供的服务的详细信息和附加信息.

Here are several tips you may find helpful:

搜索ing for a Contractor or Roofer

  • 从本地承建商/屋顶承建商以前的客户处获取并核实最多三份推荐信.
  • 询问承包商/屋顶承建商他们经营多久了,以及他们是否通常将pp王者电子官网修复工作作为其商业模式的一部分.
  • 联系你的商业改善局或浏览他们的网站,查看对你正在考虑为你的房屋维修的承包商/屋顶工人的投诉.
  • 要求查阅承建商/盖屋工的pp王者电子官网证明书,以确保承建商/盖屋工已投保责任及工人赔偿pp王者电子官网, and are in force during the time repairs are being completed.
  • 要求查看承包商/屋顶工人的住宅或商业物业建筑工作执照,并询问他们的执照是否曾经过期或被吊销.

Before Beginning Work

  • 承包商/屋顶承建商是否提供将进行维修的分包商和供应商名单, as well as a list of references for these parties.
  • 坚持一份详细的, written estimate clearly stating the quantity of materials needed, 劳动力费用, 工作规范, 以及其他与你的工作相关的信息,包括大概的开始和完成日期, payment procedures and proof that any necessary building permits have been secured.
  • Do not sign any contracts or documents before you have read and understood them.
  • 仔细审查为完成服务提供的任何保证,并查找可能使其无效的条件.
  • 在接受比涵盖相同维修工作的其他出价低得多的出价之前,要谨慎并提出问题.
  • Do not pay for all repairs prior to completion of the work to your satisfaction. Contractors/Roofers may seek startup money for material costs. Some states have laws that govern the amount that a contractor/roofer can demand up front.


Before reviewing information on the contractor Iocator page, please carefully review the information below. 此页面上的网络服务提供商列表是为State Farm®客户提供的便利. State Farm不以任何方式保证或保证本网站上列出的任何网络服务提供商的工作或表现。您的访问权限是根据您的信息请求而授予的. Providing this list of Network Service Providers does not waive any provision or condition within vour State Farm pp王者电子官网 policy.


Additional Terms and Conditions

Agreeing to the Terms and Conditions will display a list of contractors

Find a contractor near you


在你的指引下, contractors or roofers you choose can contact you to arrange an inspection, provide an estimate and complete repairs. You can arrange a contractor inspection, 通过致电承包商网络服务提供商或使用以下URL访问其网站进行估算或维修:

Alacrity Solutions - General Contracting Services


Sedgwick Repair Solutions

1-800-SERVPRO (1-800-737-8776)1-800-SERVPRO (1-800-737-8776)


下面列出的屋顶网络服务提供商(rnsp)维护和管理屋顶承包商/服务提供商的网络,并可以帮助识别为特定邮政编码提供服务的屋顶承包商/服务提供商. Please note ZIP Code coverage can vary by state.

You can arrange with the RNSP for a roofing contractor/service provider inspection, 通过致电RNSP或使用以下URL访问他们的网站来估算或维修:


Sedgwick Repair Solutions

Water mitigation contractors

下面列出的独立减水网络服务提供商(mnsp)维护和管理减水服务提供商网络,并可协助确定为特定邮政编码提供服务的服务提供商. Please note ZIP Code coverage can vary by state.


Alacrity Solutions - Mitigation Services

ServiceMaster Restore
1-800-RESPOND (1-800-737-7663)1-800-RESPOND (1-800-737-7663)

1-800-SERVPRO (1-800-737-8776)1-800-SERVPRO (1-800-737-8776)


下面列出的独立地板安装和维修网络服务提供商维护和管理独立地板商店网络,并可以协助确定服务于特定邮政编码的服务提供商. Please note ZIP Code coverage can vary by state.

您可以安排以下所列的独立地板网络服务商进行检测, 估计, 或要求地板安装或维修服务,致电网络服务提供商或使用以下URL访问其网站:

CCA全球合作伙伴 (Carpet One and Flooring America)

State Farm(包括State Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和附属公司)不负责, and does not endorse and approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any 第三方网站s hyperlinked from this page. State Farm has no discretion to alter, update or control the content on the hyperlinked, 第三方网站. Access to third party sites is at the user's own risk, 提供的信息仅供参考,而不是征求购买或出售可能在此类第三方网站上引用的任何产品.